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Friends of Spring Township

"Friends of Spring Township" is a 501(c)(3) non-profit all-volunteer organization whose sole purpose is to raise community awareness and provide financial support for the development of the Lynn Sheaffer Dum Memorial Park.


Please consider joining us!  Your involvement could make a difference in what we do, how we do it, and perhaps why we do it!  We need talented people and ideas from friends and neighbors in every township in Perry County to support our efforts to make this not only the "largest Community Park in Perry County," but the best as well!  To do that, we need to raise funds for the development of the park, and we need good people like you to help us do that!  When you volunteer you support your community, and meet new people, volunteering is doing something that makes you feel good by giving of your time to improve your community - to make a difference. These are just some of the reasons why people volunteer. Our volunteers are from different townships in Perry County, because they know even though the park is located in Spring Township, it is in the center of Perry County for all to enjoy!


Friends of Spring Township Park News

Visit the Spring Township website.


DiSanto Announces $1 Million in Parks and Recreation Grants for Dauphin and Perry County

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